Website and Social Media Account Repair and Recovery

White Hat Hacker services such as Penetration Testing
24/7 Remote Technology Support
What We Offer
Data Backup and Business Data Recovery Plans
Office 365 and G-Suite for Business Experts
Digital Documentation of Business’s Standard Operating Procedures

Michael Duffy, C.E.O of DontGetHacked Cybersecurity has 30 years’ experience as a Technology Coach/Hacker. He is also the C.T.O of MupoEntertainment.com and a 2X Award Winning Podcast Producer. He provides consulting to C-Suite Executives in hiring their 1st or Next C.T.O. After running a Computer Repair Franchise for 17 years, He started DontGetHacked Cybersecurity in 2021 and expanded his I.T Consulting and Hire a Hacker services to the United States of America and United Arab Emirates